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Cookies Will Soon be Deleted

February 18, 2011

Kira is the baker in our family, but she taught me how to make Chocolate Chip Cookies. We make cookie dough about once a week in our house, but it rarely gets turned into cookies. We’ve tried to change this habit, but the grumbling is very loud when we change dessert on Sunday from anything other than cookie dough. I usually try to get out of making the cookie dough by cooking dinner and recently we have started insisting that the kids make the dough if they want to have that for dessert. Nonetheless I have made a lot of cookie dough in my life, but until this time I have never used a stand mixer to mix the dough. I may never go back. It was so easy – all I did was dump everything in the bowl and flip the switch.

Then you scoop hunks of it onto the cookie sheet.

Bake for about 10 minutes longer than Mitch suggests. Add a glass of milk and you are done. (Much like me.)

I am not sure these cookies are any better than other cookies I have made. They were delicious of course, but they’re Chocolate Chip Cookies so that was sort of a given. I would do one of two things if I made these again – double the peanut butter or leave it out entirely. The peanut butter is so good on it’s own that it almost seems a shame to bury that flavor under chocolate and sugar. Almost.

Recipe #40: Hell’s Kitchen Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

Damn Good Inside Joke of the Day: I made the cookie dough on Thursday night on purpose.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. February 18, 2011 12:31 pm

    Love the idea of peanut butter in chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate and peanut butter are two of my major 4 food groups!

  2. February 18, 2011 6:37 am

    hmmmm. the idea of peanut butter in chocolate chip cookies is an alarming one to me. i am a purist. though my brother will often add cinnamon, which is a very nice touch.


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